Chapter 19: The Sign

its been how many weeks since they havent talk. she prefer that Ney will go talk to her first but he doesnt. in fact, she's sleeping back to her room AGAIN... while Ney was sleeping to their room. they dont know when it will end, they dont know when they will talk again. but since she wasnt talking to him, he tried to talk to her...

breakfast at the dining room.

Ney: i... i... LOVE your dish... (he wanted to show that he's delighted to eat the dishes she make)
Rissa: (her mind says "i've been making dishes for you everyday... but you just realize that you love my cooking???")
Ney: (she's still dont wanna talk to him...).... i... i'll be gone for three days... im going to Phuket because there's something i need to see...
Rissa: (she look at him, she want read his eyes)... you're going to meet Phoebi? (she was hoping that she will not go to meet that WOMAN)
Ney: yeah... (she tried not to let him see that she's not mad... that its OKAY for him to meet that Phoebi).... you're not mad, right?
Rissa: no... why should i? SHE IS your BUSINESS CLIENT, right... (trying to be calm but actually she wanted to hysterical)
Ney: yeah... so your not mad at me anymore?
Rissa: (she showed him a sarcastic smile, she's still mad at him... especially now) if you tell me its business... then its business.... there's no problem with that...
Ney: ok, then... once i get back here... i promise to make it up to you.... (she wanted to reply him "you dont have to... why dont you make up with that woman!")

she thought that he will leave tomorrow or something... but she didnt expect that he will leave today. for her, 3 days is long... especially when she thinks that her husband is with some other girl. he gave her a peck kiss on the cheek before he left, she wanted to stop him... she wanted him to stay at her side. she wanted to ask him with so many things... if he loves her, if what Phoebi has that she dont have, if he still planning to let this relationship grow, if their relationship is still have the chance.... all this questions keeps fluttering in her mind. eversince she loved him, he never heard before from his mouth that he loves her... except only wanting her, but does that mean he really loved her? or he just want something from her?


after the long hours staying at the office and checking the other papers... she decided to take a break and when she went to the restroom... she notice that her face looks pale when she looked into the mirror. then she really had a bad headache, this headache has been attacking her for weeks. so she decided to go to the doctor after her work.


Twisted Moment:

he just signed the papers, finally the island that he bought from Phoebi's uncle in Phuket... is finally belongs to him and to his wife. he never felt so happy before, he'd long to buy this island but it was so hard to convince Phoebi's uncle. he was glad that Phoebi's husband is one of his old friend.

he remembered when his business client is also happened to be his old friend, they went to have a drink that time. they were talking about high school memories, he didnt came to the reunion because him and his wife Phoebi was still in the States. he remembered also that he was one of his friends whom he tells a secret aside from Femy and Ruan.

the school event, when Ney and Rissa had their stolen shot from th event. it was the first time he felt something, like the time just stopped for them. he knew that Rissa didnt have feelings for him that time, he doesnt know also if Rissa felt that there was spark that time. eversince that day, his MORTAL ENEMY turn into someone that he was hoping for... he doesnt care even if Rissa would insult him everyday infront of the people. it was a STUPID LOVE if he must say.

but after when his old friend told him that the cause of his car accident was because of Rissa, he couldn't still imagine that it cause him a lot of pain. in the end he realized that he did that because he was falling for her, it was summer when he knew that Rissa was going to college overseas. he wanted to confess his feeling before she go... but it just cause him an accident.

he just laughed when he thinks about the his high school days, when he used to argue with the person he love most. all the things happened to him just now has finally solve. the thought of after suffering amnesia and get back to his memory was enough... but now he knew that Rissa was the only missing to his memory. he recovered and tried to remember anything, but he couldn't remember that he fall in love with Rissa in the first place. Rissa was the last piece in his puzzled memory. now, that he's fully recovered... he wanted to spend his life and every single moment to his wife.

that's why he bought this island because he went here once when he was still in high school. he read one of his classmates' slum book and there he found Rissa's autobiography. she wanted to go to this island and she wanted build her dream house in this island.

he promise that once he get home, he wanted to tell everything to Rissa. he wanted to tell her how much he loved her, how much he wanted her and dont wanna let her go...


she wanted to confirm everything, she want to prove to the doctor that she's not pregnant. she was pissed off when the doctor ask her symptoms, the information if she has a husband and when was her last period. the doctor conclude that reason why she's having a headache and stress for weeks... is that she's pregnant.

before she got home, she bought a lot of pregnancy test... to be sure... it also occurred to her mind that why does she have to be pregnant if the GUY who did this to her DOESNT LOVE HER.

she lock herself in the bathroom and started to use up all the pregnancy test that she bought awhile ago.

the pieces she used was all POSITIVE, she doesnt know if she's happy of the result or not. mix feelings that she has right now, the 5 pieces left that she hasn't use... she was planning to use it by tomorrow, because thought that she might be only dreaming now.

she wasnt so sure if she has to tell HIM or not... because of the pain and the fact that she's hurting right now thinking of her husband... she thinks that he really dont care at all... if he cares for her, he has to be with her everyday. if he loves her, he has to say it...


her symptoms just starting as she woke up up the next day, she went to the bathroom as she felt like vomiting. she was having a hard time vomiting, then she remembered what the doctor said... "expect a morning sickness...", then she tried the 5 pieces of pregnancy test.

she close her eyes (drums effect), she was praying that hopefully it's negative.... when she open her eyes.

Rissa: Shit! why!?! why!?! (now, its not really dream anymore...)

Rissa was walking around in her room, she was thinking if how will she able to tell him. she knows that he doesnt really care for her and if they'll have a child... she still dont know what will happen in the near future. tomorrow, he'll be home... her heart says that she has to tell him about her situation but her mind refuses, her mind tells her that "cant you see he doesnt care for you.... why do you still have to tell him? he only wants in bed, you should rather blame him because he did this to you...". it drives her crazy, she's been thinking so negative and being paranoid for weeks... it started when she was jealous... and now she's pregnant. she has to do something that wont let her husband know about her situation.


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