Chapter 04: The Anonymous Tape

She waited her best friend at the bar. when she came back yesterday from Hawaii, she wanted herself to busy... so that she can forget about what happen. she's even felt hesitant when her father meet her for her arrival yesterday. then they went for lunch together as father and daughter.

Rissa's Father: so how was at the meeting?
Rissa: it was good... i told them about our proposal's this month and they like our proposal.
Rissa's Father: that's good to hear then... actually, one of them called me yesterday... they told me that you look tired when you meet them.
Rissa: (she suddenly remembered why she was felt tired that time... she felt stammered when her father was waiting for her answer) mmm... of course i felt tired that time... because... because i went for shopping right when i arrived there right away.
Rissa's Father: i see... well, at least you've enjoy at the same time....
Rissa: (true, at first she felt enjoy... later she suffered in bad luck. but rather thinking about what happened, she cant forget the scenery in Hawaii that she saw last time) yes, dad... i cant even forget the scenery when i last time came there... they call it "Green Flash" but its actually one of the attractions in Hawaii, its a green sunset. i took pictures of it.
Rissa's Father: well, let me see them...
Rissa:dont worry, i'll go tomorrow to develop the pictures. (she smiled)


while waiting for Liyah at the bar, she took a glass of vodka. a couple of minutes later, Liyah came. Liyah is of the well-known hi-so girls and because Rissa is one of the role model... Liyah organize a group for hi-so girls only. they met at University of London when they were in college, Liyah's parents is one of the investors in Rissa's company.

Liyah: how are you girl? how was the trip...
Rissa: it was fine at first... but later... bad luck came...
Liyah: why? i thought you close the deal...
Rissa: thats not what i mean. i saw him.
Liyah: him??? who?
Rissa: the DORKiest man in town...
Liyah: oh, Ney... (she started to laugh)
Rissa: why are you laughing? its so bad luck... and with all places, we were both going to the same destination... (she drank all the way the glass of vodka)
Liyah: so you two were on the same plane!?! (she laugh so hard...)
Rissa: stop laughing! its not funny... we all know that he's the worst guy ever! such a loser!
Liyah: ok, ok... let's change the topic so that you'll not be pissed off... let's take another shot! (she ordered two glasses of vodka).
Rissa: by the way, i love the scenery of green sunset in Hawaii... it feels so amazing, i took some shots there.
Liyah: where are the pictures? let me see...
Rissa: i left in my car... dont worry i'll show it to you tomorrow.


meanwhile, late at night Ney packed all his things for his charity work schedule tomorrow, after he came back yesterday... he already told his father that he's gonna leave for another week because he's going to visit a small village. he said that he'll check it first the condition of the place and the people... after that he'll make a move to do his charity work. then his mom came in to his room.

Ney: mom...
Ney's mom: are you ready for tomorrow?
Ney: yes... im going there to see the situation
Ney's mom: (she embrace her son) you know, son... me and your dad are so bless to have a son like you.
Ney: mom, im just doing what i really wanted to do... i wanna share my blessings that i have right now. i am also bless because i have a mom and dad like you two... (he smiled and he embraced his mom)
Ney's mom: mmmm... there's something i wanna give you.
Ney: what's that?
Ney's mom: i will give it to you when you come back here...
Ney: ok...


she went home drunk, her friend Liyah help her friend to get in her room. since Rissa's dad is already sleeping, she silently brought her friend to its room. then while Rissa was laying to her bed, she suddenly heard her spitting out some harsh words. then Rissa was mentioned Ney's name Liyah was a little surprise because her friend was dream about her enemy.

the next morning when Rissa woke up, she hurriedly get up and went to the dining room where her father was eating with Liyah.

Rissa's Father: so you're finally woke up... you've been drinking last night, huh...
Rissa: (she only smiled silly to her father) well, i really dont drink a lot... besides i just came from Hawaii and i invited Liyah to drink with me last night.
Liyah: that's right, uncle... i hope you'll not scold her because we just drink last night...
Rissa's Father: why should i scold her... im just upset because i was expecting her to go home early last night... because there's something i want to gave her.
Rissa: what's that?
Rissa's Father: (he took out a plane ticket to Greece) i heard you wanted to go to Greece...
Rissa: dad! (she was surprised by her father's gift and then she come closer to him to give him a hug and peck kiss)
Rissa's Father: just as i promise... if you wanted to go spend your vacation there, go ahead... (he smiled tenderly to his daughter)
Rissa: thanks, dad! you're the best dad ever! i love you!
Liyah: Rissa dont forget my souvenirs...
Rissa: arent coming with me?
Liyah: i cant because i got business to do.
Rissa: awww.... (she felt bad at first but she recovered fast when she knew that she's going to have an adventure alone)


3 days later

at Nuengphirom mansion... the maid went to get some mails to the mailbox. there were a couple of letters and big brown envelop. some of the letters has address on it but the big brown envelop, there's no address. but still the maid brought it into the mansion so that Rissa's father can check on it.

meanwhile at the Ruenreng's mansion, the mom was at the garden. she was watering the plants when she told their maid to get some of the new mails and bring it into her husband's study room.

when Ney's father got home from the office, he went straight to his study room. then the mom went inside there.

Ney's mom: why dont you eat dinner first... i prepared your favorite dish tonight...
Ney's Father: ok... i'll just follow, its just that im looking for something... its for the office tomorrow.
Ney's mom: i see... by the way, i put all the mails there so you could check it later...

then Ney's parents went to the dining room to have dinner first.

Rissa's father is at his cinema room, late at night... watching some tv. after he got home from work he forgot ask the maid to bring the mails, when he called the maid to ask where are the mails, the maid hurriedly get the mails. then he notice the big brown envelop right away, as he opened it... it was a tape. he wonder why there's someone mailed a tape, so he hurriedly put the tape on and press the play.

***shocking moment***

Ney's parents were chatting around, when suddenly phone rang. Ney's father answered the phone and the mother noticed that her husband is in a moment of shock like he doesnt want to believe in something, so he went hurriedly to his study room where all the mails that came today has something to about it. he found the big brown envelop and when he played the tape... Ney's mom and dad were in state of shock.

both parents didnt know what to react, both fathers were fighting and discussing about the anonymous tape. then they end up... calling their son and daughter to tell them that they have to go home because its urgent.

at the small village, Ney was over the phone talking his dad.

Ney: dad, i still have to-....... but dad.... i wanted to know why its urgent........... but why are you sound so enrage????....... ok, ok... fine! just relax!

he turned off the phone, he was still wondering why his father has gone mad at him. he did make sure that before he went to the village, all the paper works has been approved already and he even had meeting...

at Greece, Rissa cant stand her father who's been over reacting and gone mad to her something. she settled everything and they even had a nice little chitchat before she left for a vacation. its only been three days since she came in Greece but her father wants her to get home already because there is something urgent...

Rissa: i havent even toured around here.... but, dad!.... why dont we settle it after i get back.... ok, tell me then first why its so urgent?......... you can tell me over the phone.... why? why you cant tell me....... (she ended up followed to her father's wish to go back as soon as possible) fine! i'll fix my flight schedule and then go back there....

the two were so clueless, they didnt know what's happening already after their parents had gone mad to them. they have to get home as soon as possible, because they might done something wrong.... or did their parents already discover of what happened to them???


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