Chapter 15: One Room, Sweet Moments and Pretending

on the next day she decided to stay with Ney until he's finish discussing his project proposals for the villagers. she played with the kids and talk with the moms. he just realized that what he said was wrong... he was oblige of what he just saw. he didnt know Rissa at all, seeing her fond with the kids last time in Hawaii was not enough... but what he saw right now is too much. it just proves that Rissa is someone he really didnt know at all and because of what he saw, it makes him want to know her better. he was hoping that they will not argue again... but he also know the fact that they cant avoid that they will still argue in the near future but didnt know when they will argue again.

as they went home, they cant seemly avoid their eyes were looking at each other. they almost forgot that they sleep in different rooms, she was about to enter to her room and same goes for Ney. before entering their rooms, they finally said goodnight to each other.

> good night....


he was wondering why he always dreamed about his car accident and the person whom he was chasing a girl... the events of his dream seemly blur and cant understand the fact why he always dream about that scene. he woke up and sweating so badly, he realized that its still 3:30 in the morning. he decided to call Ruan, since Femy's phone is off and cannot be reach.

Ruan: Ney... what a surprise!
Ney: yeah... its been along time since we havent talked.
Ruan: so how are you? how's Rissa? how are you two???
Ney: wooow.... slow down... (he was smiling while talking to his guy best friend over the phone) she's fine... we're both fine.
Ruan: how fine? (trying to tease him) did you two almost make up??? did you told her that you love her???
Ney: what!?! No!... what love are you talking about? if you ask about that we already make up with each other. yes, we are AS FRIENDS.
Ruan: oh... i thought i can finally hear a good news...
Ney: good news??? it is a good news! we're fine now, we're friends and that's what your expecting, right...
Ruan: i see... good for you... (doesnt sound so happy) at least you're not arguing with her anymore...
Ney: by the way... there's something i wanna tell you about... (changing the topic) that's the reason why i call...
Ruan: what is that?
Ney: i seemed to dream about my car accident along time ago... i keep wondering why i always dream about that and there was a girl whom i chasing with but seems blurred. i was wondering why i chase her... like i need something to know.
Ruan: you dream about her??? do you even guess if who was that girl?
Ney: how can i guess... its blurred and you know that i suffered fro amnesia years ago, but there's still something unclear and i dont know why.
Ruan: i see.... maybe in a few days or months, you MIGHT guess who was the girl in your dreams. maybe she's your soulmate...
Ney: soulmate??? what's that suppose to mean? i dont believe in soulmates and you gotta know already that i'm a married man.
Ruan: why? it doesnt mean that if you're a married man, you dont have a soulmate...
Ney: whatever... it seems like i talked to a wrong person. you always keep joking around.
Ruan: ah.... so you want me to be serious. im suggesting if you want to know more about your accident, why dont you ask your mom and dad...
Ney: but do they know the girl whom im dreaming about?
Ruan: maybe.... why dont you try it???

after their conversation, he decided to go back to sleep and plan to talk to his mom and dad about his car accident years ago...


he woke up and didnt expect that Rissa would cook a breakfast for him, of course he's indulge to eat what she just made. a sudden visit came, it was Ney's mom.

Ney's mom: its been along since i havent check up on you two...
Ney: mom... we're not kids anymore....
Rissa: how are you, mom? (she gave Ney's mom a plate to eat with them for a breakfast)
Ney's mom: im fine, dear... (smiling at her)
Ney: what brings you here?
Ney's mom: i just miss you... (brushing along her son's hair) oh! yeah, by the way... i came here also to tell you that tomorrow... Rissa, your father (looking at her) and your father (looking at her son) is going to the States for a meeting... so they will actually leave you two for working out the papers for merging the two companies...
Ney: i see...
Rissa: actually, we've been working out on it...
Ney's mom: im just reminding you two.. because THEY (their fathers) will visit later and of course they wanted to discuss with you about that later.
Ney: what about you, mom? arent you coming with dad?
Ney's mom: no, but i was planning to stay here for awhile... because i got bored at home.
Rissa: (Rissa and Ney look at each other... Ney's mom might know that they were sleeping in different rooms) mom, you might get even bored here... we gotta work to do and we always came late...
Ney's mom: its okay... at least i can see you two get home together and maybe i could have a little chit-chat on you guys... (smiling at them)

they were a little surprise when Ney's mom brought her things to stay and she brought the two new servants for them.

Ney's mom: since i know that you two are busy. i was thinking that i will bring along the two servants for you two serve here and maintain the house...


while Ney's mom take a look around the house and went to the garden, they hurriedly transfer their things into the room that they chose before. it was the room that they will stay if their parents is trying to visit them. they dont want to be caught that they were sleeping in different rooms.

Rissa: whew! (she sigh when she lay down to the bed, while Ney sat beside her) i felt so alarmed, knowing that your mom is gonna stay here for awhile.
Ney: same here... but i know my mom eversince, she just cant stay at home without dad.
Rissa: i hope she wouldnt try to enter the rooms that we were staying.
Ney: i already locked my room... what about you?
Rissa: wait-! i forgot to lock it! (she suddenly panic when she remember that she havent lock her room)

as she go outside of the room, the mom was about to check the other rooms... then was about to enter room.

Rissa: mom! (she hurriedly block the door to prevent Ney's mom to enter her room. then she smile at her) where were you going?
Ney's mom: i was just checking... what's inside of this room?
Rissa: nothing... its my old stuff then i need to setup a mini library in there.
Ney's mom: but you have a library down stairs...
Rissa: ah... a... actually mom... the room is still mess up...
Ney's mom: i see (then Ney came out was trying to help her out)
Ney: mom... why dont we go to the kitchen and bake a cake... (having a good suggestion to prevent his mom to enter the other rooms)
Ney's mom: oh, good idea... i brought some ingredients. let's go bake then... let's go Rissa... (she looked at her daughter-in-law, looking so suspicious)


After baking a cake, the "fake lovey-dovey couple" tried to be sweet infront of Ney's mom. he wanted t savor the moment, he doesnt care anymore if Rissa will get mad at him because he knew that Rissa will tell him that he took advantage of her AGAIN. Rissa didnt expect him that he will wrapped his arms around her waist again, but she didnt react or anything. actually, she started to want him to hold her like that. wanting to savor the moment of "PRETENDING". at the same time, they knew that they were only doing their roles if they need to; especially if infront of their parents. hours later, their fathers went to visit on them and to discuss their assignments on the papers while they're away. they maintain their sweetness to each other. because of their sweetness... Ney's dad was trying to tease them.

Ney's dad: so... when will you give us a grandchild? (he was smiling at them)
Rissa's dad: oh, yeah... i thought of your honeymoon and we were expecting a baby after that! (he laugh while looking at them...)
Ney: (they were looking at each other... trying what will they reason out) as of now, we were not thinking about that yet. as you can see we were both busy with our work...
Rissa: yeah... but maybe after we settle some things...
Ney's dad: then you must hurry up... we are getting old... time is running out...
Ney: dad...
Rissa's dad: but anyways, since we all settle the things here. tomorrow we will leave so early, i want the two of you to settle the paper works while we're gone.
Rissa: yes, dad...


his mom went to the other room already.... its been a long time since they didnt shared a room, for just the two of them. he was transferring his pillow and the blanket to the sofa, Rissa notice it.

Rissa: what are you doing? (she asked)
Ney: i'm gonna sleep here... (referring to the sofa)
Rissa: are you crazy!?! your mom might caught us that even though we were sleeping in the same room, its expected that you have to sleep on the bed.
Ney: dont worry... i lock the door. (then suddenly someone's knock on the door, it's Ney's mom)

he hurriedly transfer back his pillow and blanket. then he opened the door.

Ney: mom...
Ney's mom: you're going to sleep now?
Ney: yeah...
Ney's mom: i see... okay... i just wanna ask if what kind dish would you like for breakfast?
Ney: anything... it's up to you, mom...
Ney's mom: oh, ok... i'll go sleep now, so i could prepare an early breakfast for you two... Goodnight...
Ney: ok. goodnight, mom...
Rissa: goodnight, mom...
Ney's mom: goodnight dear...

he lock the door again, with all his security. then he was planning to transfer back his pillow and blanket again to the sofa, but Rissa stop him.

Ney: i'll go sleep now...
Rissa: then, why dont you sleep here...
Ney: im just respecting you and your decision... i dont want to argue with you again by the next morning we wake up...
Rissa: im not gonna argue with you, i will (argue) if you wont sleep here on the bed... (he wanted to ask her why does she want him to sleep on the bed with her... then Rissa knew that he might get her wrong impression again) im just concern about our situation... i dont want your mom caught us sleeping separately... besides you're too big on that couch. (pointing the sofa, part of it she's reasoning out...)
Ney: (he smiled and decided not to sleep on the couch) okay... (but Rissa pause him for awhile to hear her warning and put another pillow on the center to divide their space on the bed, Rissa was on the right side while Ney was on the left side)
Rissa: this just proves that (referring to the pillow on the center) you cant take advantage of me. we can sleep together on the bed but i dont want you to take any chances... okay??? im warning you...
Ney: yes, ma'am... you're not gonna push me and let me fall again on the floor...
Rissa: it depends... (when she tried to look away and face to the other view, she was smiling. then she turned off her lampshade on the right side.)
Ney: okay.... i promise, i wont do anything to you... (then he turned off the lights and his lampshade on the left side)

he thought he can sleep, even though he's on the bed. he wasnt comfortable when sleeping on the sofa, but he realized that he cant sleep with someone on the bed... even though they already slept together not only once but thrice on the bed, with her... its just mix feelings that he cant understand at all. then he turned to face her... but she was facing on the other side. he called her name... to sure if she was sleeping or not, but same goes with her... she cant sleep at all.

Ney: Rissa....
Rissa: yeah?
Ney: cant sleep?
Rissa: i think so... im just thinking too much..
Ney: what are you thinking???
Rissa: many... about work. (in his mind he asked her 'are you thinking of me too?') what about you???
Ney: i was just thinking about what happened awhile ago...
Rissa: (she turned to face him) awhile ago??? with our parents...
Ney: yeah... i was expecting you to argue with me after we pretend infront of our parents...
Rissa: why would i argue with you? (she was looking deeply into his face...)
Ney: because... because i took advantage of you again. (she remembered about their sweet moments awhile ago, when he wrapped his arms around her waist)... i... i... im sorry...
Rissa: for what?
Ney: about awhile ago... im just doing my part... but i hope you understand...
Rissa: its okay... i was doing mine too...
Ney: dont worry... my mom will go back to the mansion and we could go back to our normal situation...
Rissa: (she was a little disappointed... she wasnt expected to hear those words from him, she wanted him do more than 'that') yeah... (she answered timidly and turned back on him to sleep)
Ney: goodnight... (he wanted to continue saying... "my wife...")

she cant sleep, thinking about what he said... she realized that this is more normal, she wanted to reply on him awhile ago "what do you mean NORMAL SITUATION... THIS IS A NORMAL SITUATION!" she meant to say NORMAL as a couple; sleeping together in one bed and being sweet together like what they just did awhile ago. she was really pissed to hear those words from him, she even wanted more than "this"... but even her... she dont know where or how to start. yes, they're married but they havent even started yet... except for work.

she promise to do and prove everything to Ney, her status change being "married" and being a wife... and she wanted prove to him that she's HIS wife.


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