Chapter 05: The Force Marriage Part II

Rissa confessed everything to Liyah, she really dont know what to do anymore. she cant back out anymore and even Ney cant do anything about it. she needed Liyah's help, she wanted to cancel the wedding but Liyah is still in shock and she dont know either what to do.

Rissa: Liyah! i thought you're my friend... i need your help so badly.
Liyah: Riz, i didnt even know that you hooked up with him and besides how can i help you??? you two blurted out a wrong reason! of course the parents expected that you two have to get marry...
Rissa: what if we didnt say those words... what will happen then?
Liyah: if you ask me, its still the same... besides Ney's mom is right... you two really have to get marry. the sender of the tape might spread your so called "SCANDAL"...
Rissa: im gonna kill that person... whoever that person who send that tape... i will find him/her...
Liyah: in fairness... you two look together! (laughing out loud, trying to tease her best friend)
Rissa: excuse me! he's not even the same level with the other guys out there! such a loser and a dork one! my beauty is not meant for guys like him! (she's really pissed off, as she remember his face again.)


the news starts spreading about the two rival companies seeing each other often, especially the two fathers who are actually MORTAL ENEMIES. recently, they were at the magazine because they always see each other. the interviewers wanted to know why the two rival companies seeing each other. but both Rissa and Ney's father chose not to tell the media first... they have to settle everything first before they proceed to their plans. planning to merge the two companies.

meanwhile, Ney's mom at home is currently watching tv, the gossip between the two companies... her son is working at the company, but she doesnt know if Rissa is busy or not. so she decided to call her and ask about the preparation of the wedding.

Rissa: hello? (she's currently at the restaurant with Liyah)
Ney's mom: Rissa, are you busy?
Rissa: (she look at Liyah, she doesnt know if she has to answer her that she's busy...) mmm... No... why?
Ney's mom: its about yesterday... didnt i told you to discuss about the preparation of your wedding?
Rissa: wedding??? (Liyah look at her and she was asking what about the wedding) oh, yeah.. i forgot... is Ney there?
Ney's mom: no, he's not here, he's at the office working. can we meet today? because i wanted us to check out some wedding gowns for you and we may ask my designer.
Rissa: i know someone and he's the one who designs my dresses.
Ney's mom: ok then... well, why dont we meet now and i wanna meet your designer.
Rissa: oh, ok (she answered sarcastically and then she turned off her phone)... how did she knew my number????

Liyah: (she's laughing out so loud with her best friend) what's with the face???
Rissa: dont laugh at me! i hate someone who's trying to be close... i hate him and i hate his family...! grrrr!!!!
Liyah: so you're going to meet her today?
Rissa: yeah... we're going to check some wedding gowns and she's recommending her designer... huh! eeeewww! dont expect me to wear an old maid's dress.... ( Liyah laugh again...)


at RC Telecom Company

Ney was working out the papers again... because of the events since yesterday, his dad told him to fix the papers and change all the proposals. he already had a meeting with his other chair members and the employees... he cant refuse the questions that has been asking to him, the people in their company ask him if what's with his dad. his dad was having a secret negotiations with his rival company and of course, since the other chair members wanted to know... he just told that his father will be on the next meeting and explain everything.

when finally Ney's mom and Rissa already meet, Liyah was there to come along... since Rissa told Ney's mom that Liyah will be her maid of honor on the wedding. they went to meet Rissa's designer, since Ney's mom love the designs of Rissa's designer... she likes Rissa's taste in high-end fashion. Since Rissa and Ney's mom both like the isbridal style... Rissa like the first one, because the gown is inspired of romanticism... the details of curve vines embedded on the gown, while Ney's mom like the second one... details of bead work of inside and outside of the gown....

when they end up like didnt know what to choose... they decided to let Liyah choose which will be Rissa's wedding gown and she choose what Ney's mom wants, which Rissa felt bad for it... she was expecting her best friend to choose what she likes. the designer told them to go back next week for the fitting.


days have been pass... and when the two presidents of NP and RC Telecom companies both had a major conference meeting for their members and staff of their company.

Rissa's dad: i know that you've been questioning why do we always meet...
Ney's dad: its not about the secret negotiation... its about our children and planning to merge the two companies...
Rissa's dad: my daughter, vice-CEO of NP telecom company Ms. Carissa Neungphirom is getting marry at the end of the month with vice-CEO of RC Telecom company Mr. Iñigo Ruenreng....

the chair members and other staff members ask why, but the two fathers didnt know what to say at all... they simply end it... "because our children want it..." they left them with surprising news about the two rival companies... explaining to their people that since their children is getting marry... the two rivals companies in the past is now planning to merge it.

Ney's dad: for further announcements... We, the fathers of our children are currently busy for preparing the wedding...
Rissa's dad: also we will be having a press conference with the media, together with our children next week...


the parents wonder why their children is not informing something... recently their children is busy from their work, even though their children have almost encounter some gossips and paparazzi everywhere... their children try not to affect themselves from the media and in their companies. Rissa sometimes when she enters the company, she sees and hear the people talking about her status relationship with Ney...

she's the one who's really affected from their situation, people know her as a fighting girl and even insults Ney infront of others... she tried to call Ney but his phone cant be reached. meanwhile, Ney went back to the village for charity work... the news spread so fast... as for the villagers, they were asking Ney why with all women, why Ney choose to get marry with his mortal enemy. both of them cant do about it anymore, the wedding will be held this end of the month.


when Ney's already back in the mansion, his mom entered his room. holding something.

Ney's mom: son...
Ney: mom...
Ney's mom: are you tired???
Ney: yeah... i went to the village and even there, the news spread so fast...
Ney's mom: i see... well, its seem you two have a hard time...
Ney: i really am...
Ney's mom: did you meet her recently?
Ney: no... we havent talk since the last time (in his mind... "why should i meet her??? if we meet, there's only a war between us...")
Ney's mom: last time, i told you that there's something i wanna gave you... now im gonna give it to you...
Ney: what's that?
Ney's mom: (the one she was holding is a small box and when she opened it... it was a ring that Ney's dad gave her) im about to pass you now this ring and i want you to give this ring to the person you love... (she was thinking about Rissa.. since she heard from her own son that Ney loved Rissa)
Ney: mom... that's the ring that dad gave you...
Ney's mom: actually its from your grandfather when he gave this ring to your grandmother... your grandma gave this to your father, to pass through all the generations... since its your turn now, its about time that you have to give this to... Rissa...
Ney: (he was dismay when he heard her mother that the person he loves is Rissa... which is not really true) mom... (he hugged her, he felt guilty for some reason because its all a lie)


the day of press conference...

the parents were waiting for their children to come, the media press are there to witness the announcement of the grand wedding this end of the month. Rissa has just arrived and the people took pictures of her as she entered the press conference room. she sat on the center and beside her at right side is her father, the empty seat was reserve for Ney... but Ney hasnt arrive yet. right next to Ney's seat is his parents.

the press conference will start in 5 minutes, but Ney hasnt arrive yet... so Rissa's dad ask her daughter to call him... sitting infront of the press, she turned her back and called him.

Rissa: where are you!?!
Ney: im caught in a traffic jam...
Rissa: what!?!
Ney: just wait awhile... im just 10 buildings away from there...
Rissa: why dont you get out of there now and run!
Ney: you know i cant do that! im stock in the middle of the road...
Rissa: i dont care! the press conference is starting any minute... (then she turned off the phone.)

he was pissed off not only with the traffic jam... but because of Rissa. since he cant do anything about the traffic jam, he get out of his car and run as he reached the building where the press conference held. he was sweating so badly, losing his breathe and as he entered he was still gasping. then the press took pictures of him. then he sat right next to Rissa, then he whispered to her "im sorry..."

since he came on time, she already forgive him... and she offered him a handkerchief, as he took it. he took off his eyeglasses and wipe his sweat on his eyes... as she look at him, she felt guilty because she scold him over the phone... looking at him without glasses makes him much better looking, but when Ney was already done wiping his sweat he wore the eyeglasses again. her attention by looking at him has gone when she saw him wearing the eyeglasses again... she felt like, she saw him only in handsome face just for a second.

press was already starting...

questions that make them trap for awhile, didnt know what to answer but their glad that they've survive it... but the last two questions was... makes them looking at each other and Rissa felt embarrass of the media because of the questions "if you're about to get marry, how did Ney propose to you???" and "can we see the engagement ring that he gave you???"

then Ney suddenly remembered that his mom gave the ring to him last time. so he took out the small box and opened it, the ring that has been pass through...

Ney: i really prepared for this, since my mom pass this ring to me... i wanted to gave this... to the one i really love... (Rissa look at him...)
Press: yes, we have the old photos of your mom wearing that ring along time ago... (the press smiled at him)
Ney: if there's any ring i wanted to gave it to her... only this ring that will fit her... (he smiled at the press and to Rissa, as he look at her)

she let Ney wore the ring to her wedding finger and the press took pictures of it... their parents look at them as Ney and Rissa pretending that it was like a joyous engagement proposal infront of the media.


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