Chapter 03: When I Woke Up Next To You

she woke up the next day, feeling the hangover last night. she notice that she was embracing someone, when she nod to see whom she was embracing... she suddenly scream, it was Ney. then he suddenly woke up when the woman he was embracing with his arms.... is none other than but Rissa.

Rissa: get off me! Ahhhh!!!!! what did you do to me!?!
Ney: i dont know! i... i dont-
Rissa: Liar! you raped me! you took advantage of me!
Ney: i didnt do anything!
Rissa: if you didnt do anything, why are you naked!?! (then he looked at her who's also naked. then Rissa cover immediately her exposed b*****) pervert!

then she pushed him away and he fell on the floor.

Ney: Aww! what you did that for!?! i didnt even remember what happened! last night i was drinking with my friends only!
Rissa: as far as i can remember you took advantage of me! i can still remember that you- (she didnt continue, it was the sudden kiss at the bar) i hate you! why!?! why, with all people!?!
Ney: (starting to fee irritated and didnt know what to do... but he fight her back because even him, he didnt liked what happened) why!?! do you think i want to hooked up with you!?! do you think i would rape someone.... like you!?!
Rissa: whatever! this is your faul-!
Ney: my fault! its not my fault... maybe you're the one who raped me!
Rissa: (she get some pillow and slap it to him so hard and she kicked him) what did you just said!?! DORK!!! grrr!!! i hate you!!!!!
Ney: and i hate you too!
Rissa: i hate you most! you're the worst guy ever!
Ney: and you're the worst woman i ever met!

after they argued, there was a moment of silence. Ney was sitting on the sofa facing the bed where Rissa is sitting, they were just glancing at each other. Rissa was snobbing at him, while Ney was trying not to stare at her. they end up thinking that they already have done it, its already too late and they both know that what they did was the biggest mistake ever.

Rissa: ok, lets admit that, this is OUR fault... that... this is just a big mistake... we didnt meant to do it because we were both drunk... its... its just... its just a ONE NIGHT STAND ONLY!... so... let's lets forget about this. lets pretend nothing happened!
Ney: fine... i will agree with that... let's pretend nothing happened!
Rissa: yeah! because this is just a big mistake! (still mad about what happened...)
Ney: ok... its already time...(he looked at his wristwatch) i'll take a shower first, then i'll go...
Rissa: what!?! (she looked at her wristwatch, she's already to her meeting) no! i'll go take a shower first! get out of my way! (she pushed him as she went to the bathroom)


he went back to Ruan's house, he was mad to himself. he realized that he just committed a sin and the worse is he DID it to his MORTAL ENEMY, he didnt even wanted to himself of what just happened... he promised to to himself that he will not drink anymore, because he realized that when he's drunk he gets HORNY. which he didnt like most.... he once kissed a girl a few years ago when he was still in college, he was drunk then and he kissed the girl suddenly. but this time, this is too much... he still cant believe himself that he DID it to HER.

she cant concentrate to the meeting, though her hangover has gone already... thinking of what just happened makes her crazy. she didnt like it and worse is she DID it to that DORK! thinking of him makes her more feel irritated and she end up saying to take a break first at the meeting.


Ruan offered his friend a cup of tea. he noticed that his friend was so quiet since he came home, so he offered him a tea and have a little chit-chat on him.

Ruan: so how was your wild night?
Ney: (he knew what Ruan means) we argued when we woke up...
Ruan: why?
Ney: we didnt remembered what happened last night because we were both drunk...
Ruan: what!?! i thought you already make up with her... i mean i know you two are rivals eversince we were in high school... but last night, i thought-
Ney: well, then... definitely NO! she's the worst woman i've ever met and you know that i dont like her eversince... what happened last night was a big mistake!
Ruan: so... what are you going to do now? what have you decide?
Ney: we end up... like nothing happened and we already talked about it... it was just a one night stand only, so let's pretend nothing happened...

but for some reason he had this weird feeling when he said those words... he still cant forget that when he woke up awhile ago, he was embracing her. but his mind tells him, she's his MORTAL ENEMY... his rival, his everything that makes his world contradict. if she said that, she hates him.... he hate her most.


after the meeting she went to a coffee shop to have a cup of coffee. its her 5 cups of coffee since she came at the meeting, though she didnt feel tired of the meeting. she couldn't still take off to her mind of what happened, though some people call her "bitch" because the way she talks and the way she flirts with some other guys.... for her, she's proud that she was NEVER BEEN TOUCH. she's already been kissed by her boyfriend(s), but until there only. she never gave herself to a man before. if there is someone she could give herself, she wanted to be sure and she'll make sure that the man she wanted to give is the person she really loves. but someone already stole it and she cant stop thinking about it, she cant believe that she gave herself to someone she hated most....

she remembered when they were still in high school, she hated Ney so much... there was one time when she and her group of friends were at the corridor. they were rating the guys from 0-10 whoever pass by at the corridor.

first guy:

girl 1: wow... i like his hairstyle, so i give him 8! (she laughed)
girl 2: i give him 10, because i like his dimples... (she giggled)
girl 3: i give him 5 for being an average student here...
girl 1: you're so unreasonable... what about you, Riz...
Young Rissa: mmm... overall, i gave him 3. i dont like guys who doesnt fit the hi-so world, i heard that his dad is a messenger only... pity him... (then she turned her attention to her notes)

2nd guy:

Young Rissa: mmmm.... i'll rate him 6. he helped me out yesterday for organizing the school event.
girl 3: yeah, he seems nice... i'll give him 10.
girl 1: really??? i thought he's a snob one.... i'll give him 4...
girl 2: mmmm.... i'll give him 1 only... i dont like him...
Young Rissa: i know why you dont like him! (she pinched her friend at the waist...)

when Ney went to pass by where the girls at, when Rissa saw Ney at afar that he was coming towards the corridor. Rissa wrote a big number 10 on the paper and called Ney....

Young Rissa: Ney! -wait! (he was pissed off because THE MOST WICKED GIRL in school called him)
Young Ney: what? (felt annoyed)
Young Rissa: relax, Mr. Ruenreng (laughing sarcastically).... girls, i want you to know that this guy... if i'll rate him, i will give him 10 (showing the paper that she wrote a BIG number 10)... wanna know why???

she get her pen and wrote word that describes Ney why he got 10...


Young Rissa: (joking around with her friends) 10 for intelligence... 10 for being part of the noble family... 10 for being clever enough to debate with ME... 10 for being such a loser and last one but not the list.... 10 for being DORKiness.... (she laugh so hard, so as her friends and she faced him... showing that she's disgusted seeing his face only. she put a tape on the paper and stick it onto Ney's uniform)

Young Ney: (he was pissed and couldn't control himself anymore. he took off the paper, crumpled it and throw onto Rissa) i'll give you 10 for what you have just done... it really shows that you're a wicked person, arrogant and never stop insulting people who're like me! i'll give you 10 for making believe all the students here in school....thought that you're an angel but actually... you're more than a devil... (before he walk away... he forgot something to say) oh, before i forgot... after i survey around not only school but also... outside the school... they rate and give you 10.... for being a BITCH!

she couldn't take the words that Ney said to her... she'll definitely get revenge on him. he insulted her infront of her friends and she cant wait to get restback on him.

after that, she remembered her father's promise that she's going to have a vacation. maybe, if once she get her vacation that she requested to her father she might forget everything. she wanted to forget everything what happened to her, here in Hawaii, it's just so unlucky that she encountered the person she hate most... with all places why Hawaii?


Ney called his mother to tell her that he'll be back in Thailand tomorrow. he couldn't stand staying in Hawaii for days and the more he stays here... the more he might meet her accidentally... and he dont want it to happen. for him, the biggest mistake he did was the one night stand with his enemy. he felt traumatic whenever he thinks about what happened to them.

he knows Rissa along time ago... her arrogance towards people...

he could still remember when they were in high school, she scolded someone because she felt annoyed whenever that person follows wherever she goes.

Young Rissa: dont you know that its rude to follow someone... especially if you're a stranger!
Young Man: but im not a stranger... i used to help you with your paper works... remember?
Young Rissa: im sorry, i dont remember.... i dont care if you're my classmate or the one who helps me... if i say i dont rememeber or i dont know you... you're a stranger to me... so stop following me!
Young Man: im sorry... Rissa-
Young Rissa: correction....President Carissa Nuengphirom! i dont know you... so stop following me!
Young Man: okay, i promise not to follow you anymore... but there's something i wanted to give, because the truth is im one of your admirers. i did vote for you at last election.
Young Rissa: (she accept the letter that the man gave her...) thanks... i gotta go...

as she reached the hallway, she found a trash can and throw the letter. the man saw that Rissa threw his love letter to her, he didnt react anymore but when Ney saw that scene... he knew that the guy was really hurt.


they meet again at the departure area, he didnt know that Rissa is going back to Thailand also... but when they meet again, sitting 7 seats apart... they were not talking at each other... but they were looking at each other without knowing. when the plane is on board, they didnt know if who will first to go in the plane, in the end Ney gave her a way to go in first. this time, they were not sitting right next to each other. Rissa felt relieve when they had separate seats, at least she wont be annoyed anymore by sitting next to him nor seeing his face.


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