Chapter 11: The Overhaul and The Reunion

brushing her hair infront of the mirror, she realize that these past few days Ney always go home late... always on the phone and he goes early in the office. she know that she doesnt have to care wherever he goes or what he does. but it just makes her think of him more and she wonder why, tomorrow will be their high school reunion and she already got her dress for the party. she wonder if Ney has the suit already for tomorrow, as she look at her mini clock... Ney is still not home, she knew that he's with his best friend. she suddenly felt annoy, realizing that her husband is still not home. then the phone rang, it was Ney's mom.

Rissa: m-mom...
Ney's mom: dear, is my son there?
Rissa: he's still not home yet...
Ney's mom: huh!?! so you're all alone there...
Rissa: he's busy, mom.
Ney's mom: busy... always busy... then what about you? (sounding so worry)
Rissa: dont worry, mom... i just got home and Ney called me awhile ago that he's going to be late because he has to overtime the papers (she lied, if only Ney's mom knew what her son does right now.... "FLIRTING with someone even though he's already married", she thought)
Ney's mom: i see... well then, just tell him that i called and at weekend remind him about the charity work.
Rissa: ok, mom...

as she end call the phone Ney just got home... so she got outside of her room to talk to him...

Rissa: Ney...
Ney: (he nod at her) yeah?
Rissa: your mom called just now... she was wondering why are you so late when you go home...
Ney: is that my mom who were asking or.... you're the one who's asking?
Rissa: why dont you call your mom!?! (acting so defensive, part of it... she wanted to know why he always come late)
Ney: fine... i'll just call her tomorrow (he was about to enter his room but Rissa ask one last question)
Rissa: do you already have a suit for tomorrow's reunion?
Ney: yeah... (before he could enter to his room, he then said) good night...


in the middle of the night, Ney was having a bad dream... it was his car accident before. as he woke up, he was sweating so badly. he was wondering why he was having a dream of his car accident before, he can still remember that he once suffer in amnesia after the car accident... but he was glad when he return his memory back, but he has a feeling that there is still something missing... he just dont know what was missing.


the two get ready for tonight's high school reunion. as for Ney he lied about last night when he told Rissa that he has a formal suit already... he knew Rissa might scold him because he lied about last night, so as he was browsing to his closet... he found his old suit that he usually wear it in ordinary days, its a three-button, non-vented black velvet sport coat. he bought it 5 months ago, its one of his favorite clothes he wear. no matter how will Rissa scold him because she might dont like his suit... he's still gonna wear it.

he decided not to wear glasses but contact lens from now's occasion... it wasnt his first time wearing a contact lens, though he's not comfortable wearing it... he started to wear it only during occasions... like his wedding and interviews. he thinks about Rissa, he dont want to hear any bad comment from her... since he knew his wife is a fashionista.

meanwhile, Rissa was busy wearing her make up the will fit to her sequined strapless dress... wearing a loop earrings and updo her hair. it just shows her barenaked skin by showing her shoulders only.

when they both get out their rooms, they were only looking at each other... studying by looking at each other from head to toe.

they feel like embarrass with each other, "sophisticated and glamorous" Ney thought while looking at his wife. "enough to court a girl... im glad he's not wearing eyeglasses", Rissa thought while looking at her husband. then she suddenly remember Femy... Ney's best friend. she starts to think negatively, maybe one of the reasons why Ney had time to overhaul himself... was because of Femy.


they were not talking while inside the car, but glancing at each other without noticing is enough. as they were about to go inside the party, everybody was taking pictures of them. like what Femy said, the people were expecting to see them. the people couldnt still believe that the two mortal enemies got married all of a sudden. then Femy approach them who is wearing an old rose chiffon halter dress and with her hair down.

Femy: Ney, Rissa... (waving her hand at afar... as she came closer) did you two just arrive?
Rissa: yeah... (Rissa was looking for her old friends in high school, as she saw them at afar...) Ney, i'll be back. i just wanted to see my friends again.
Ney: ok...

when Rissa greeted her old friends, she notice that her old friends were being sarcastic when the greeted her.

girl 1: i still cant believe you two got married...
girl 2: what happen to you girl... i was expecting you to marry someone who really deserves you...
girl 3: but look at him... i think he had change a lot eversince he married Rissa... (they look at Ney at afar) Rissa, you've make him change...

Rissa just smiled, didnt know what to say... as she was watching her husband at afar, she saw him talking with his fellow friends and much closer with Femy.

his old friends from high school attended his wedding last time, if Rissa got some "not so good" comments about her marriage with him, Ney's friends told him that he's a very lucky one to got married with Rissa. he was thinking "if you only knew... she's not what you're thinking", then at afar he was looking at his wife. she was talking to some of her old friends.

as the party starts with a program, the emcee was talking about their high school days. there was a pictures of them in high school shown on the LCD projector. Rissa and her old friends were laughing at their photos... then there's a picture shown when Rissa remembered the scene where actually she was walking on the runway and she accidentally slip but Ney catch her that time when she was about to fall off the stage. they just realize that someone took a picture of that scene. Rissa felt embarrass when everyone is looking at her, Ney wasnt so embarrass.... but rather didnt care.

the DJ play a song that hit during their high school days, Ney was inviting Femy to dance with him but she refuse...

Ney: c'mon let's go...
Femy: i said i dont want... why dont you rather invite your wife... (she was pointing at his wife at afar)
Ney: (he look at his wife) she doesnt even like to dance...
Femy: how did you know... you havent invite her yet... the people here are expecting to see the two of you dancing right now.
Ney: but-
Femy: no 'buts' (pushing him away) go invite your wife now to dance...

the truth is, he's not comfortable to dance with his wife. the past few days.... they were not talking nor care about each other. just like strangers in the house and now... he's inviting her. he went to Rissa's table where she stay at and talked with her old friends...

Rissa: what? (saw him standing infront of her and her friends)
Ney: i... i... i... may i have this dance??? (he wondered why he's stuttered when he said those words, so he clear his throat) may i have this dance (sounding so confident)

as he offered his hand for the dance, she felt hesitant at first... but she almost forgot that they're couples in the eyes of the people, so she smiled at him and stood up. she let her friends see that she and Ney are in love.

the music change when the 'famous' couple were about to give a dance on the dance floor. they felt awkward at the same time when Rissa pu her hands around his neck and Ney put his hands around her waist. they knew that people were watching them as they dance in a romantic song. she wanted to know why Ney suddenly ask her for a dance, she was curious enough to know... for some reason she felt the shiver down her spine while his hands were around her waist and at the same time she was glancing at him while he look away. she was also looking away when Ney was glancing at her.

Rissa: why did you ask me for a dance?
Ney: for a show... because the people are expecting it too... besides you're with your friends...
Rissa: i see... (then she sigh that made Ney look at her)

she was disappointed a little when she heard those words... she was expecting some reason why he asked her for a dance... but it just made her disappointed to him. she didnt want argue anymore because she didnt want to ruin the night and if course the people who were still watching them while dancing. but in her mind she fighting with him and saying... "what about you... you're with your GEEKY friends and FLIRTING with Femy!".


when they got home, he doesnt know if he really enjoyed the party or he was thinking if his wife enjoyed the party. he admit to himself that the way she look tonight was stunning... saving up some images of her from when he saw his wife on a lovely dress, but something's bothering with him... it just makes not stop thinking about her, he admit the fact he felt annoyed with her these past few days thats why he didnt want to talk to her. besides if they talk it will only end in arguing at each other and he had enough... he wondered if Rissa felt the same way too.

she cant sleep and she didnt know why... she was thinking about him and Femy... awhile ago when she's with her friends, at afar she saw him laughing and chit-chatting around with Femy. she honestly felt annoyed while looking at them awhile ago, she felt annoy to see her husband enjoying himself with someone. she know that she doesnt have to feel this way but she cant control and admit to herself that she was really pissed off awhile ago. she's tired when they got home but she's not tired thinking of what she saw awhile ago... then she blurted "i hate you"....


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