Chapter 17: Numb and Jealousy

its been 5 days since the havent talk, they dont want to talk about what happened last time. she wanted know what's the real score between them, he was trying to avoid it. he wanted her more and more, he wanted to DO IT with her again. but he wanted to hear from her that she wanted too, he wanted her to be with in his arms again.

she rather wait than to tell him, she rather wait for him to say that he loves her... just to realize, they were not sleeping in separate rooms anymore but they still dont get to talk with each other. though she cant blame their work, they are always busy... and only gets the chance to talk to if its about their work. she wanted to talk about their relationship between them, but they were only like business partners at work and strangers in the house.

she wanted him to see her that she's his wife, but she thinks of her husband becoming numb over her. she wanted him to notice her but he still hasnt notice her... but she'll wait for him... until the day he will notice her.


at her office, she was surprise when she got flowers from someone. she was excited to know if who send the flowers, she was expecting from her husband. but as she opened the card, it was from her old friend Tin who just came back from L.A. he was one of her suitors in the past but he gave up on her already, since he knew that she was married with somebody else.

Tin: do you like it? (who just came to surprise her in the office, as he opened the door)
Rissa: Tin! when did you just arrived!?! (she gave him a hug)
Tin: just yesterday... how are you?
Rissa: im good... (she smiled at him)
Tin: of course! how can my friend not be fine... since you're already married...
Rissa: (she thinks about Ney again) yeah, right... what about you? did you got married already?
Tin: engage.... and soon to be married.
Rissa: that's good... tell me about it, i missed a lot. i didnt know anything about you at all... (she giggled)
Tin: why dont we stroll around at the mall and talk about our lives.... im so behind also about your life, you know...

she didnt hesitate to accept Tin's suggestion. in the past, he's the only guy who invites him to go have some fun... they usually watch some movie, went to the arcade even though they're already professionals and try new cuisines. since Tin was actually an adventurous person, she really never got bored if she's with him.

at lunch, they ordered the same dish that they like before. but she doesnt know why her heart beats faster, she doesnt feel nervous or something... but she was just wondering why her heart beats faster.

at afar she saw a familiar face, it was her husband. he was still holding the menu and make some order, as she watches him at afar... her heart beats faster and she felt guilty seeing her husband going to eat alone, while she was eating with someone. minutes later, a woman came to her husband's table and greet him as she gave a peck kiss on the cheek. she has the same height as her, then she sat on the other chair facing him and they started to talk.

she cant focus while they were eating, so Tin ask her.

Tin: Riz, are you alright? you seem so trouble... (he touched her hand, to comfort her)
Rissa: i'm fine... (then she lower her head to have her first bite on the food but at the same time, she was looking at afar where her husband is sitting)
Tin: dont you like the food?
Rissa: of course not... its just that i lost my appetite now. (she nod as she smiled him)

in the end, she was really pissed off... seeing her husband with somebody else. she decided to spent some time with her friend Tin than thinking about him, as they got out from the restaurant she pretend that she didnt see anything. she wanted to forget that she saw her husband today and have fun with her friend.


HE saw her... with someone.

his business client Phoebi decided to continue their discussion on the next few days, he seems not concentrating to their discussion but Phoebi understands him. he went back to the office to get back to work, but even though he got back to the office... he still cant concentrate, he keeps thinking about his wife being with someone. he was surprise when he saw her with someone entering the restaurant awhile ago, he wanted to approach her but she decided not to.

then his phone rang, his mom is in the other line. telling him that she'll be home today.

he decided to go home early after work and prepare a dinner for his mom and HIS WIFE. since he knew Rissa will get home late because he saw at his wristwatch that its already 7:30pm... he decided not to wait for her and started to eat with his mom.

Ney's mom: so how's work today?
Ney: its fine (he answered timidly, then he keep looking at his wristwatch)
Ney's mom: where is Rissa? its already late...
Ney: she's still at work, mom...
Ney's mom: at this hour?
Ney: she called awhile ago... she already told me that she's going to be late... (he lied)
Ney's mom: i see... though your fathers left with so much work, i dont want you two get tired of yourselves from working...

eversince, his mom always concern about him... and to her. though he's close with his parents, especially to his mom... he never lied before. being a good son to his parents, makes them proud even more and eversince he got married... his mother is much more closer to him and even to his wife.


he was pissed off, its already 11pm but his wife is still not home. it drives him crazy, thinking where could be his wife at this hour. his mom is already sleeping at the other room, but he cant sleep not until his wife is not home yet.

minutes later, he looked through the window and saw his wife is already home. he hurriedly lay down to the bed and pretend he was sleeping, then finally Rissa entered their room.

she saw his husband already sleeping, she did enjoy her hangout with Tin but she still couldnt take that she saw his husband with somebody else awhile ago. she admit that she's jealous and until now she's still felt pissed off to Ney. she didnt want to sleep beside him because of what she feels, so since her husband is sleeping on the bed... she transfer her pillow and blanket to the sofa.

she took a shower first, after shower she was about to turn off the lights and the lampshade. before she could turn off the lampshade at Ney's side, she take a look first at his face... she wanted to ask him if who was the woman that she saw with him awhile ago, she wanted she wanted to say 'i love you' and 'good night' to him, but she simply lowered her head gave him a gentle kiss on his soft lips.

before she could finally go to the sofa, suddenly a big force who was trying to stop her... it was her husband's hand trying to stop her and pulled her closer to him, then he gave a sealed kiss that would leave her lips swollen right after. her eyes widen when she thought it was only a kiss, until he was starting it again.

he was impatient, when he started to undress her... he teared her negligee dress all of a sudden, she could hear the ripping sound of her dress. but she didnt protest. she just wondered why Ney suddenly act this way, so she stopped him and asked.

Rissa: what are you doing? why are you doing this??? (she wanted to hear th right words from him)
Ney: because YOU ARE MY WIFE... (then he kiss her, she realized that her breast is already expose because he teared her dress)

she was deaf for a moment when she still cant believe that he said "YOU ARE MY WIFE", words keep repeating to her mind. but then on, she was kissing him back.

both of his hands were like fire while exploring all through her body. kissing her from head to toe while laying on the bed, it created more passion than what they did, he was drunk last time. when she realize that she's already naked, he embrace her and lock her to his arms again. she could feel the warmth of his embrace, then later on... he's almost naked. he was giving her so much pleasure, he want her to move lower because he was trying to reach out for her breast and sweetly bit one swollen peak while gently pushing her bare buttocks to the edge of the bed.

the next moment, he was inside her. she gasped. a fleeting pain soared into breathtaking pleasure. she felt his movement inside her. his hands still straddled her hips, then he was trying to find her gaze. when she look at him, she could see his eyes glittered with pleasure. while holding each other's arms, they both found difficulty in calming their breath and she was clinging to him, not wanting him to withdraw and distance himself to her.

Ney: (he raised his head at last) im sorry if i cant help myself from wanting you... (holding her so tight)

she closed her eyes. analysis was the last thing she wanted, but even if she close her eyes she could still see their positions on the bed. her legs still wrapped around him. her teared negligee dress was at the top and covering his toe. she positioned herself again by leaning her head between his neck and shoulder.

minutes later, that thought he was already sleeping... she gazed at him solemnly and she cant control herself but to look at him, her fingers was trying to touch his eyes, gently touch his nose and his soft lips. he caught her finger between strong teeth, he licked it in the most erotic way she knew.

Rissa: (she wanted to tell him how much she loved him) Ney, i....i.... (she took a deep breathe) i want you...
Ney: (he cupped her face... looking at her) i want you too.... as much as you want me... (then he gave her a deep kiss)
Rissa: (while kissing him, her mind speaks "i love you")

they had their another round...

she realized one thing, right now... its enough for her to hear those words from him. because she wanted him too, as much as he want her. but she wanted to say how much she loves her and right then she wanted to hear it from him... she could give everything he wants to, she could do everything just to make him fall for her more and more. she's happy enough to have him, to hold him so close and like he never wanted to leave her.


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