Chapter 12: I Feel For You Part II

She's already in Chainat, the address that Femy gave her awhile ago is not so difficult to find. she over take the car on the other side, she was driving into a full speed... her minds keeps repeating when Femy said that Ney need the papers urgently. when she drove her car into a full speed, it was like a racer and when she's about to turn left to another street the other car stop because when she turned left... she was like a drifter.

finally, she's in the village now. she wasnt excited but rather feeling uncomfortable because of the place. she even almost slip to the dirt mud when shes about to enter the village. while looking at the houses and the kids who were playing at the streets, she wasnt so sure if this is really the place where Ney went. at the end she found Ney's car, she hurriedly went to find him... but Ney was not there. she looked inside of his car if he was there... "stupid, why are you looking inside of the car if you knew already that he went somewhere...", she realized. then she heard a familiar voice "what are you doing here?", it was Ney at her back... as she turned to see him, he was wearing a black sando, a faded jeans with a hole on the knee level of the pants and was only wearing an ordinary slippers. she was trying to study his whole feature and as she look into his face... he was wearing a thin eyeglasses. this time he didnt wear the big eyeglasses but rather more fashionable eyeglasses that would fit for men like him, he doesnt look so DORKY... but a hunk because of his whole attire. if she could only see him everyday with his attire, she'll might start FALLING for him.

Ney: hey! im asking you what are you doing here? (a snap with his fingers awake her and her mind went back to its normal)
Rissa: i brought you these... (giving him the papers)
Ney: (he took the papers, he was frowning at her... he was expecting Femy) where is Femy?
Rissa: she had a meeting with a client urgently.... he ask me to bring you these... (referring to the papers)
Ney: i see...

one of the villagers came and called Ney. he was inviting Ney to eat lunch with them, then he notice the woman whom Ney's talking to. Ney introduce her.

Ney: mmm... my wife... Carissa Nuengphirom-Ruenreng...
Villager 1: nice meeting you, ma'am... (offering a handshake, he was looking at Ney's wife... wearing a sexy floral pink sun dress)
Rissa: (she felt hesitant to offer her hands for a handshake only, but when she look at Ney... she finally had a handshake one of the villagers)
Villager 1: Mr. Ruenreng... i didnt know you had a beautiful wife... (he just smile at him)... Ma'am why dont you join us for a lunch...

she didnt actually wanted to join for lunch but if she'll refuse the villagers might think that she's different from Ney, so she joined just for an act and knew that she was only trying to be nice with the villagers. while walking, he noticed Rissa dress, he felt annoyed to her dress. she doesnt have to wear this kind of clothes if you're in a place like this... what people might think to his wife. so he whispered and ask "why are you wearing that kind of dress?".

Rissa: why? what's wrong with my dress?
Ney: you know that you cant wear this kind of dress if you're in this kind of place. what people might think about you?
Rissa: then let them think what they think about what im wearing... you already know that im wearing this kind of clothes (she didnt care but while they were walking... the people almost looking at her)
Ney: that's my problem... i know that MY WIFE is some sorta "Fashionista"... but if you're in a place like this... why dont you wear something decent and simple! you know that im here for a charity work...
Rissa: well, im not here for a charity work.... i only brought you these papers that Femy suppose to bring it to you!

they cant help but to raise their voices anymore, the people look at them already...

Villager 1: Sir, Ma'am... is there any problem?

>nothing! (they look at each other furiously)

Rissa: you know what... im going now! im not suppose to be here anyway!
Ney: fine! whatever!... go by yourself! im not expecting you anyway!
Rissa: i hate you! (when she was about to go, she suddenly slip to the mud and got wounded)

she cant get up all of a sudden because of the wound she got. then Ney hurriedly went to help her, but she was refusing and she can get up by herself.

Rissa: i dont need your help! Dork! (pushing him away)
Ney: dont be so stubborn! everybody is looking to us right now!
Rissa: i dont care-! (but Ney didnt listen to her since she can really get up, then Ney carry her...) let me down-! i can handle myself...
Ney: SHUT-UP! (Rissa suddenly speechless... she knew what's her next line but she was speechless when Ney shouted at her)

he brought her to one of the villagers' house, he was glad that one of the villagers got first aid kit... everybody was looking at them while they're inside the room... she was signaling Ney to close the door. he told the villagers to excuse them for awhile, then he close the door. he get the first aid kit to start putting some medicine to Rissa's wounds at her left knee and to her right arm. then again, Rissa was refusing to let Ney put the medicine.

Ney: please... just this now, can you please shut up and behave yourself... (he sound so annoyed by Rissa's stubbornness)
Rissa: but i can handle myself...
Ney: i dont think you are... because i married someone who grew up as a spoiled brat and a princess-like...
Rissa: what's the connection anyway if im born to be like this!
Ney: you maybe a good debater and very clever... but you never learned these basic things...
Rissa: what!?! hey! i know how to apply medicine if i got wounded... (pushing him away)
Ney: can you please stop pushing me away! just let me handle this...

for the first time, she never had seen someone nor her boyfriends before to took care of her if she get wounded. though she never got wounded before because she's not really clumsy... its just that Ney was right, the clothes she wear and wearing a high heels was the cause of her clumsiness. when Ney put some alcohol to her wounds, she felt the pain... but then Ney gently blow it, so she wont feel the pain. she admit that for the first time someone did this to her, she was looking at him... studying his face. then someone knock to the door, the villagers bought some clothes for her to wear.

Ney: thank you... (then he look at his wife)
Rissa: thank you... (she look at one of the villagers, then they leave them)
Ney: you can go change now...
Rissa: finally... after this im going to leave now.

he didnt speak... but he wanted Rissa to stay a little bit because of her wound. as he got outside, she started to change her clothes.


she saw him outside through the window, he was carrying one of the villagers' child. then he played with some other kids, she only knew that Ney's very fond to the children; just like her she's very fond with kids too... she was happily watching him playing with the kids, for a moment she forgot all her madness to him... seeing with the kids with, she realize that Ney can be a 'father material'. "wait... what was i thinking?... so what if he's fond with kids? it will never change the way they're pissing off with each other... i still hate him... i hate... him", talking to herself.

it was dark then, she realize that she stayed long enough to the room and didnt notice that its late already. but she never change her mind, she's still leaving. she didnt want to stay here. so she approach him and told him that she's leaving.

Rissa: i have to go now...
Ney: what about your wound?
Rissa: im fine now... i can handle myself.
Ney: i see... well then, let me walk with you until we get to your car...
Rissa: ok... (she was touch by his concern but she was still expecting something to him... words that would let her stay)

there were a moment of silence while they were walking. they both think the same thing "its better like this... than to start a conversation and end up with arguing...", they thought. as they already reached her car, she didnt felt hesitant to thank him.

Rissa: thank you...
Ney: its ok... (he still wanted her to stay...)
Rissa: ok, i'll go now. (she was expecting him to stop her. but when she was about to get inside the car)
Ney: wait-!.... mmm...
Rissa: yeah?
Ney: mmm... are you sure you can go home by yourself? im just concern with your wound.
Rissa: yeah, im fine now... i... i can go home by myself.
Ney: mmm... because i was just thinking that... that... its already late....
Rissa: and so...
Ney: im suggesting that rather leave tomorrow morning if you want...
Rissa: but where would i sleep then? you know that i cant sleep here in this place... you cant force me to sleep here-
Ney: im not saying that you're going to sleep here... (he knew that it will turn into an argument but he was trying to be calm and he was trying to control himself).... there's a nearest hotel here, im not gonna sleep here anyway... im... im going to sleep in the hotel. (she was secretly smiling, but what it seems like he sound so naughty... like he was inviting her for some reason.)

she decided to leave tomorrow, as of now... she'll go check in the hotel. but she almost forgot that the people might ask why her and Ney sleep in different rooms. she reminded him that they have to sleep together in the same room, Ney also realize their situation... so he didnt say anything at all.


inside the hotel room, Ney was getting ready to sleep. he get his pillows and a blanket to sleep in the sofa, he wasnt hesitant to offer and gave the bed to Rissa. she get back his pillow and the blanket to the bed and she transfered her pillow and blanket to the sofa.

Ney: what are you doing?
Rissa: this is you room... since im only using it, i'll go sleep on the sofa and you're on the bed.
Ney: no... you can go sleep on the bed. im fine with the sofa...

she didnt say anything, since Ney really insist to give the bed to her. she know that Ney wanted to sleep in the bed but eversince they change everything and make him sleep on the sofa way back in Hawaii... now, he offers the bed for her. maybe because he didnt want to argue with her anymore, she didnt took a shower anymore but Ney took a shower.

after shower, it was the same masculine scent that she smelled last time. she wanted to ask him what kind of scent he was using, she like the masculine scent that he was wearing. it makes her think that her husband is not a dork but a hunk one, but actually... Ney changes everyday. he was not the same as before, he dress like she cant say nothing at all... she knew that if he's not wearing glasses, he's wearing contact lens. when she saw him awhile ago with his rugged attire, she can see his revealing muscles and his hard chest. she could even remember that he was sweating so badly...

as he turned off the lights, the sofa and the bed were just facing at each other. even though she cant see him because of the dark, she can barely FEEL HIM. she started to feel the shiver down her spine again, she was asking herself why she felt this way... maybe she started to have feelings for him or does she really have feelings for her?


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